Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between marriage counseling and couple therapy?

In general, couple therapy is more comprehensive than marriage counselling. Both counsellors and clinical psychologists address the problems within a relationship and focus on solving them. However, while counsellors address the present events mainly, clinical psychologists go deeper (i.e., into the past history) and aim to identify the root of problems. They then highlight and address unhealthy patterns that affect the couple’s interaction.

How long does couple therapy last?

Usually, a couple will attend weekly sessions for 3-6 months, although sometimes the process may take longer. Claudia’s role is to teach the couple how to handle their own challenges, by using strategies and templates that empower the couple to take over in the future.

How long does the assessment take?

Couple Therapy: There is some flexibility here, and this depends on the couple. The recommended structure is 1-1.5hours assessment of the couple together. Each partner then completes a set of online questionnaire, whereby only Claudia sees the responses and results. Then Claudia will see each partner individually for half an hour, and this usually represents the second session. However, some people prefer to schedule 2-3 hours for the first session, in order to speed up the assessment and commence therapy as soon as possible.

Individual Therapy: The intake assessment is scheduled for 1.5 hours. Sometimes this leaves sufficient time for commencing therapy, but sometimes more time is needed. Claudia will discuss this at the end of the session.

What happens during the couple feedback session?

During the feedback session, Claudia will first share her findings – based on what was shared during the assessment and online results. The strengths and weaknesses of the couple will be highlighted. Then a treatment plan will be agreed upon by both the couple and Claudia.