MPsyc (Clin), BA Psyc (1st class Hons), MSPS
Claudia is an Australian citizen. She lives in Singapore and was born in Romania. Claudia obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, with First Class Honours, at the University of Western Australia. She then completed her Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology at the National University of Singapore. She is a member of the Singapore Psychological Society.
Therapeutic Approaches
Claudia has an eclectic approach and draws from the various approaches that she was trained in: schema therapy, Gottman couple therapy, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectic behavioural therapy (DBT), and acceptance commitment therapy (ACT).
Continuous Professional Development
Recent Readings:
“What Makes Love Last” by Gottman and Silver
“Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD” by Resick, Monson, and Chard (2017)
“Contextual Schema Therapy” by Roediger, Stevens, and Brockman (2018)
Recent courses/readings:
2020 March – “10 Principles for Doing Effective Couple Therapy” – Julie and John Gottman (2015)
Gottman Couples Therapy Levels 1, 2, and 3
Couples Schema Therapy
Schema Therapy Levels 1, and 2
Family Therapy Masterclass

The therapist I grew into is the outcome of readings and teachings across many years. Thank you to my husband and our wonderful children. Thank you to my friends Alina, Cristina, Ecaterina, Mila, Vanessa, Anna, Jinny, Armina, Mioara, Gita, Anne, Blana, Aruna, Jo, Ted, Violeta, and Elena. Thank you to my teachers and supervisors from Lifeline, UWA, NUS, NUH, Promises Healthcare, professional courses and postgrad supervision. And importantly, many thanks to all the clients who taught me so much by sharing vulnerable information and feelings.